Focus on Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion in Scottish Local Authorities

We are proud to be building a diverse and inclusive range of local authorities that are a great place for all colleagues to work in. This applies to all our colleagues across every discipline and geographical location, ensuring that everyone feels included and valued, regardless of their background or protected characteristics*.

We particularly welcome applications from under-represented groups.

All local authorities, and many other public bodies, adhere to the Public Sector Equality Duties, under the Equalities Act 2010. This includes our compliance with a General Duty to: 1. have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, 2. advance equality of opportunity and 3. foster good relations between different people when carrying out our activities. These are mainstreamed into all our work and actions. We are also required to report on our Gender, Race and Disability Pay Gaps.

Diversity is a fact.

Equity is a choice.

Inclusion is an action.

Belonging is an outcome.

Arthur Chan


All local authorities are disability friendly, and many are members of the Disability Confident Scheme. You will be asked if you are applying under the Guaranteed Job Interview Scheme, and this is to ensure that if you have a disability, you will be guaranteed an interview for the post you are applying for, if you meet the essential criteria for the job.

Once a job offer has been made to you, you can request reasonable adjustments to be made to the job to address any needs you have due to your disability, which will enable you to fulfil the duties of the post.


It is a requirement for public bodies to report on how well they are performing in terms of their Gender Pay Gap, provide a gender breakdown of employees in posts which have stereotypically been predominantly occupied by one gender, and to report on the gender of those holding senior positions.

This is undertaken to try and tackle gender discrimination. Gender is also a consideration in terms of the myriad of flexible working opportunities available to local authority employees, which is particularly important for those who are in a caring role i.e. statistically this is still more likely to impact on females more than males.

Most local authorities have a range of HR policies which are gender influenced, such as for employees who may be subject to gender based violence, transgender employees, and those experiencing harassment.

Race & LGBT+

In respect of race, local authorities aim to be more ethnically diverse, we also aim to be LGBT+ inclusive, and many are members of Stonewall for example.

Many local authorities have an employee equality group in place to suggest ideas for initiatives to help drive forward the progress their local authority can make with equality issues for staff. There is usually equalities training in place for all staff as well.

Local authorities are obliged to report on the composition of their workforce broken down by their protected characteristics* so if you are applying please makes sure you complete the equalities monitoring information.

This information is held confidentially, and we would encourage you to share this information if you are successful in your application, to help us achieve our ambitions.

There is normally someone in post in each authority who has a specific role in equalities, such as an equalities officer, or equivalent, and you can contact them to raise any concerns you might have in relation to equalities.

*Protected characteristics are - age, disability, gender re-assignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy/maternity, race, religion & belief, sex, sexual orientation.

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